GoCar – The storytelling GPS-moped

Friday, 30 November 2007

(Picture: GoCar Franchise Services, Inc.)

The press kit says: “GoCAR is the world’s first computer guided storytelling car. The clever talking car navigates for you, but that’s not all. As you drive, it points out the sights and tells you the stories that bring San Francisco to life.”

(Video: GoCar Franchise Services, Inc., via Youtube.com)

A three-wheeler moped with navigation system and GPS-triggered audio guidance. The “storytelling car” seems to be fun. Started 2004 GoCars are meanwhile available at San Francisco, San Diego and Miami, franchisers for further cities are searched for. At a first glance unexpected, but at the second it is reasonable – GoCar is offering location-based advertisement:

“The GoCar becomes a trusted companion in an unfamiliar place; telling stories, pointing out landmarks, assisting our customers explore and enjoy a city adventure. Which is why we call the GoCar the Local on wheels. The GoCar can vocalize your business right as the GoCar drives by your premises delivering its unqiue personality. Not only do the pasengers get notified of your unique business proposition, but also bystanders who are naturally looking at the car as it talks about your premises.”


More videos from the GoCarEntrepreneurs:

(Videos: GoCar Franchise Services, Inc., via YouTube.com)