GoCars go Europe

Monday, 21 July 2008

GoCarsTours went to Barcelona, Spain, and Lisboa, Portugal.

“San Francisco (ots/PRNewswire) – GoCar, der im April 2004 in San Francisco gegründete Anbieter origineller, GPS-geführter Stadtrundfahrten, hat den grossen Sprung vom US-amerikanischen Markt nach Europa geschafft und Niederlassungen in Barcelona und Lissabon eröffnet. Mit den neuen Niederlassungen in der EU verfügt GoCar neben San Francisco, San Diego und Miami nun über insgesamt 5 Standorte weltweit.”

http://www.presseportal.de/pm/72016/1227152/gocar_tours (2008-07-11)

Video: http://youtube.com/user/Localiatvcatalunya

Evaluating Player Experiences in Location-Aware Games

Monday, 21 July 2008

Workshop “Evaluation Player Experiences in Location Aware Games”
Where? HCI 2008: Culture, Creativity, Interaction
When? 1-5 Sept. 2008, Liverpool, John Moores University, UK

“Location aware technologies such as widespread mobile computers and varying location sensors open up a massive range of possibilities for extending game playing into streets, buildings and even the rural landscape. New and extended forms of location-aware games including mobile or pervasive phone games, smart toys, role-playing games as well as Mixed Reality (MR) games all demonstrate promising new forms of game play. Substantial work has also gone into new game concepts, sophisticated technology and viable business models. However, research on the methodological issues of studying mobile player experiences, pervasive game activity and ubiquitous interaction has become necessary.

Furthermore, there is also a need to explore the methodological issues in the evaluation of the intertwined, mutually dependent dimensions related to the usability and playability of location-based games.

This workshop will bring together researchers, practitioners, and students with the objective of sharing knowledge, experience and ideas so that the many user experience issues of location aware games can be more thoroughly addressed.”

Source: Locative Digest, Vol 24, Issue 2 http://locative.x-i.net

“Landvermesser.tv” is Map-based Storytelling

Monday, 21 July 2008

n-tv berichtet über eine Kulturprojekt, das im Juli 2008 in Berlin startet:

„Wir haben uns alle mit Literatur, Websites und Geotags beschäftigt und wollten das verschmelzen“, erklärt Tatjana Brode, die neben Jens Krisinger und Mathias Ott zu den Initiatoren des Projektes gehört. Kartenbasiertes Erzählen bedeute bislang meist, zweckorientierte oder historische Informationen zu verorten, so Brode weiter. „Uns war es wichtig, die Eindrücke der Stadt um eine fiktionale Komponente zu erweitern und ihnen eine literarische Bedeutung zu geben. Deshalb haben wir auf den Spaziergängen versucht, den Autoren ihre Geschichten zu entlocken und die Stadt als Buch zu öffnen.“

Quelle: http://www.n-tv.de/995043.html

iPhone 3G with GPS

Monday, 21 July 2008

“SAN FRANCISCO—June 9, 2008—Apple® today introduced the new iPhone™ 3G, combining all the revolutionary features of iPhone with 3G networking that is twice as fast* as the first generation iPhone, built-in GPS for expanded location based mobile services…” [launched July 11, 2008]


Pictures: Apple